Check out the truth behind BHU’s crash course on becoming “Aadarsh Bahu”:
Every Indian mother-in-law needs an ideal daughter-in-law, correct? But I guess we got to believe that all thanks to the unrealistic movies and television shows. Yes we can respect the elders but ideal or adarsh are far fetched words.
Recently there was news that IIT in Banaras Hindu University (BHU) is developing a new three-month crash course that is specially designed for new brides. The course offers to prepare women for marriage, and the new course will be called as “Daughters Pride- Beti Mera Abhimaan” which has been initiated by Young Skilled India start-up.
But now recently opposing all the reports and rumors the Indian Institute of Technology- Banaras, Hindu University has denied all the rumors about offering a 3-month long crash course in becoming “Aadarsh Bahu”. The institute said that they do not offer any course/training programme entitled “Daughter’s Pride – Beti Meri Abhiman” or an “Adarsh Bahu”.

As per the sources, the institute is in a partnership with a start-up known as Young Skilled India and that particular start-up is launching such programs which are meant to train unmarried women as an ideal daughter-in-law.
The registrar of the institute said that: Young Skilled India is a private start-up which is supposedly offering the contentious crash course. IIT-BHU said that it does not have any relation to the training programme offered by the private body.
Check out how people reacted when the news came out that IIT is going to start a crash-course on how to become “Aadarsh Bahu”:
Wonder how #BHU wishes to be congratulated on its fall from grace. This is the worst level to which any “leading” education institution could have fallen in India.
— Ameyavikrama Thanvi (@AmeyavikramaT) September 4, 2018
#BHU when you are starting training to be a good son/father/brother/husband/brother-in-law/son-in-law etc etc???#Misogynistic #decision
— Jai Hind 🎅🎄🎉 (@ObaidullahK) September 4, 2018
आदर्श पति, आदर्श दामाद बनने की ट्रेनिंग की ज़्यादा ज़रुरत है. There is more need to train men to become ideal husbands and their families to become ideal families for the daughter in law…. #BHU
— Purnima Sharma (@sharmapurnima1) September 4, 2018
It looks like people did not like this crash course idea at all.
We don’t know if the instituted retracted the crash course or it was just a misunderstanding.