Many couples make marriage vows, vows to love each other but often the worse fights happen over finances! To avoid monetary problems a couple needs to discuss finances. In India most couples do not feel comfortable discussing monies. Money can often trigger disputes and here is how to avoid money problems in your marriage:
Budget it: The safest and the best way to avoid any money issues is to set a budget for you and your partner. This budget should be of the personal expenditure after a chunk of your salary has been utilized in savings, household, and loans.
Avoid being unfair: Fights happen when one partner has the monetary controls the other partner often feels unhappy if personal spending are accounted. Your monthly expenditure is your money and the other partner should not decide every spending.
Never hide: Many women love to hide their shopping from their spouses. The lure of sale or discounted products can also act as a trigger for unreasonable buying! First you will hide the clothes, tear the bills, then the need to hide the credit card statements and lying where you got these pair of shoes from start. For men it is often the alcohol parties which can lead to fights. Hiding leads to lying and a sense of insecurity and lack of trust in a couple. This can act as a trigger for a long time.
Be flexible and willing: While post-wedding every couple needs to start saving for their future but you must be flexible because every month saving the same amount is not possible. There will be medical issues, weddings in the family and trips you will want to take as a couple so try and save what is possible without acting string with your other half!
Be honest and realistic: Maybe your wife needs a break to tend to the kids or you want to quit work and start a business but are afraid to say so. Talk all major financial decisions like quitting work, starting a new work with your partner. Sit down and analyse that if one of you quits or works part time, how you will manage the household and save. Be sure not to put undue financial stress on your partner.
Never include a third person: Money matters are extremely private for a couple right on the top with sex. So you must never discuss money matters with your parents, friends and in-laws before talking to your spouse.
Money is essential to build a perfect life but not by killing your dreams, aspirations and your family love. Respect those too!