Here are the difficulties most newlywed women face!
Marriage is no longer the only aim in our lives, thankfully! Things like better education, an established career, financial freedom, and healthy social life, all matter. In fact, in the past two decades we as women have seen a positive change in society.
Though all this has made us, women, more self-determining and stronger, it is still not a change that is willingly accepted especially in a traditional family. Arranged marriages can also prove to be difficult if your wavelength doesn’t match. Here are problems you might face and how to overcome them like a pro:
1. Sharing Room with a Man
Women are mostly concerned about cleanliness and hygiene so, it is NOT easy for them to share their room with someone. You may have survived with roommates before, but this is different. It takes more time than you ever assumed to get used to sharing your space, your room, your bed…with your husband.
2. Challenges in Work Routine
Nowadays, most women get married in their late 20s or early 30s. By this time, their career goals, office routine, work pattern, etc. are already set. In such a habitual routine they may have a problem adjusting their schedule according to their in-laws.
3. Cooperating and adjusting with the in-laws
A very common problem that most girls face is adjusting with in-laws and especially in a joint family. Because, if you do get married into a joint family, the liberated, determined woman in you might find it very challenging to compromise on your lifestyle. Especially things like the kind of clothes you like to wear, the social get-togethers you like to attend, your work timings, your food habits, and other such things can be tough to change to match your in-laws’ choices and tastes. If you get good in Laws like mine, it is quite easy to adjust.
4. Unknown Expectations
The expectations your better half and your in-laws might have from you can be unrealistic. For example, waking up early to do some puja, traditional fasts, etc. If you will panic or get strained, then it can create chaos in your married life.
5. Lack of Personal Space

After getting married a whole new family awaits you. In case you are not staying in a joint family, you might have to visit your in-laws frequently, or they might visit you. Spending quality time with the in-laws, taking care of their needs, and managing this with professional commitments, can leave you with no time with yourself. So, sometimes all you need is some quality time… ALL ALONE!
6. Weird feeling of being a Grown Up
All of a sudden, everything appears to be more practical, and important, especially from the side of responsibilities and maturity, that everyone has been expecting from you since a long time. This is the time when you understand what all have you been missing out on until now.
7. Missing your Home

No matter how good your in-laws are but, no one can replace your parents in your life. A girl can take all the above-stated challenges easily, but what about not seeing her mommy every day in the morning, and evening tea with daddy in the garden, stupid little fights with the siblings. But, there is nothing to worry about, it’s just a matter of time then, you soon get used to missing them and adjusting to your new life!
Pro Tip: Call your mom as and when you feel like it. They are also missing you as badly as you are. Go and meet them if you feel too homesick.