Things you must know about adult colouring books

Adult coloring books or Mandala is all rage right now. Most people love the idea of colouring, it is like reliving your childhood and enjoying the basics. Life is so much easier when all you stress about is weather the flower will look prettier in pink or red! Trust us, everyone needs to try this once to understand how much relaxing a Mandala book is. It is like taking a vacation without really stepping out.
As described online on Wikipedia, mandala or Mandal in Sanskrit is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Indian religions, representing the universe. In common use, “mandala” has become a generic term for any diagram, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically; a microcosm of the universe.

- One of the earliest scientists who studied the therapeutic benefits of Mandala was Carl Jung. He studied coloring of Mandalas and found that concentric circles and geometrical patterns made his patients calmer and decreased stress.
- Mandala coloring activate both parts of the cerebral hemisphere of your brain. Because coloring involves logic and creativity, logic to select color according to a shape activates the analytical side of our brain. Mixing colors activates the creative side.
- When we colour as adults, we actually transport ourselves back to our childhood. Reminiscing the good parts and in fact science has also proved this. It is those happy memories which helps one relax and think positively.
Mandala colouring - Colouring is much like meditating. The idea of meditating is to do nothing and free your mind. Coloring is proven to help induce a similar meditative state. Coloring Mandalas is really relaxing as the concentric pattern absorbs you right in!
- Anxiety is a common issue with most people. Social networking, work, being available to work always on your mobile mean no stress free moments. This in turn also makes us more anxious a being available all the time means your brain never really gets the down time it needs to unwind. Anxiety and panic attacks have many symptoms like thoughts of death or dying, too much worry, nausea, headaches, etc. But by using coloring pages for adults, you get disconnected with current issues and this helps the brain to relax.