How your love changes after your baby!

Those nine months of waiting for the baby is a couple thing. You grow closer to your husband, the need to talk, be cared for is probably at its highest. Yes, you work, you do everything imaginable but your husband is like a constant companion in it. From feeling the baby move to your constant carvings, also not commenting on the kilos you gain. I look back at my pregnancy photos and realize how special that time was!
Also the way your parents and in-laws treat you is beautiful. They try not letting you get agitated to cooking your favourite foods. The slew of baby showers, traditions all seem oh-so-perfect. But then comes the moment your little one is born and the world tilts. You suddenly read up everything on google. From the colour of his poop to breast feeding, and you join a slew of groups on networking sites to increase your knowledge which validate things by science. You hate all the unsolicited advice the elders give and you start. Arguments, talking back start all because you are empowered. A baby makes you stronger and probably the best fighter because you baby is your main concern.

The love for your hubby also flows out of the window, you are tired, sleepy and the baby makes you complete. You only need a shoulder to whine on, you cannot explain the love you feel for your child to the man who helped procreate him. That checking the baby in the night, hugging him to sleep, laughing when he coos are special moments for you as a mom. That is how mommy love turns you! You might not be a vicious fighter, I am, against stupid customs in the name of traditions! Without realizing my kid has made me powerful and confident, still scared and too much in love at the same time. That my dear’s is what makes being a mother the most beautiful feeling.