Teach these ‘skills’ to your tot!

Come summer holidays the inner me is a bit scared! As a parent we do not know how to keep our children busy in activites which subsequently leads to more screen time especially during summer holidays. This year we at Team AAW decided to make a to-do lit of little essentials our children must be helped or taught. This is not the usually study material given by school but basic skills we all do not think about:
Wearing socks and shoes
I think this is one of the most forgotten essentials, socks take time and patience to wear but once your child is 3+ it is a task which they would be sooner or later expected to do in school. Teach them this daily as it is an acquired skill and takes time to master. Shoelaces work for a 5 year old and above.

Selecting their own outfit
Yes, it may seem simple and funny but the child needs to pick out the clothes they wear. In this week my son has work police like trousers at home twice but let them reason about what they want to wear and why. Explain the concept of summer and winter wear too.
Wash their plate
Often we all have this mindset of what our children must do and must not do, let them be humble and understand that no task is above or beneath them. They must learn to respect various house-help too.

We all have forgotten nature and no matter how we deny it, it is true. So this year help your little one start a small garden in whatever outdoor space like a terrace or balcony. Let them water their plants, play with the soil. Also make sure you put low-maintenance plants which do bloom despite a little less care.
Keeping a water feeder for birds
The summers are particularly cruel to strays and birds, so go any buy a water feeder for birds and a different one for strays. Let your child fill up these feeders every once a while.

Learn the art to share
In ingle families our children are used t undivided attention, make sure they meet people their age daily and learn to share their toys. Sharing is an essential for children to develop.
These skills shall stay with your child over the years and instill gentleness in them.