It’s official! Not only women tend to lose interest in sex after having a baby but men too. According to a new study by the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, dad duties get in the way of time between the sheets.
Lee Gettler from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, tracked the lives and hormones of 433 young men from the Philippine islands and found that the most testosterone-fuelled men were also the most likely to become fathers.
However after having a baby their levels of the male sex hormone dropped – along with the amount of sex they had. Dr Gettler told the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s annual conference: Mothers undergo substantial biological change with pregnancy and birth, yet there has been a tendency to think of the father as kind of inertly along for the ride.
Dr Gettler also added that the drop in libido could well be nature’s way of stopping the new father from straying. But the good news is that it is not for ever – as hormone levels return to normal within a year or two.
So women be ready for a less sex hungry hubby post-baby!
With inputs from: Dailymail