Music synthesizer can help children study well
After you have a child, your world changes. You want to become more learned, knowledgeable and inquisitive for your child. And The common saying, ‘all work no play, make Jack a dull boy’ holds true for most kids.
Often as parents, we do not want our child to face the tough education pressure we felt as kids, but then we do want them to excel too. In an era where 99 percent marks are often the norm, the pressure to perform is getting worse.
At this tender age, relieving stress is not about yoga or pranayama, it is about directing their angst towards a happier mental space. Most children often get addicted to cartoons or mobile phones to relieve pressure and mine was also falling into this trap.
However, after a bit of research, I found that the best option is to redirect their boredom and turn it into a progressive hobby. I zeroed in on music as it not only helps to learn, but relaxes the mind too. As a kid, I always wanted to try playing the music synthesizer which our generation often called the Casio. And when I got my son the CasioMini Keyboard, I was equally excited (if not more). So how does a synthesizer help relieve stress and excel in studies? Well, it helps your child learn in a fun playful manner which builds their concentration levels and help them absorb more information. Music is known to relax us mentally and help release the happy hormone ‘endorphins’.
I realized that exposing him to music during early development helped him learn the sounds and meanings of words. Dancing on the music worked in building motor skills and allowing him to practice self-expression. Besides this, I also feel that it has helped strengthen memory skills which has been reflected in his school participation and understanding of concepts. I wish music always remains his best stress buster instead of other silly things.

My friend often laughed thinking how I could be sure about a hobby helping him this much so I simply gifted one to her daughter on her birthday. The two started their classes together under a music teacher and today playing the Casio Mini makes them cool as well as feel accomplished. However, I know that they are learning a stress-busting hobby for life, which sadly was never thought of for us.