Here’s why you must send your child to summer camps

It’s going to be summer holidays soon and parents will look for different ways to keep the kids busy during the vacations. Summer camps will be organized by various playschools and schools in your vicinity. I went through this dilemma last year when I couldn’t decide whether to send my daughter to summer camp or not. She was having a difficult time adjusting in her school already. Summer camps are usually activities planned by school which can be called playful learning. The idea is to make the kids enjoy for three hours with some sports, indoors of course in this heat, a bit storytelling and crafts.
Many parents like me face this dilemma, eventually I ended up sending her to summer camp and it worked out for us. Here are the reasons that helped me decide and can play an important role in helping you decide too.

My daughter took a lot of time settling in playschool and as soon as she was a little comfortable with the idea of going to school, the summer break came. So to ensure that there is no break in the routine, I decided upon summer camp in her playschool itself. Summer vacations are quite long and once child stays that long at home, it is really difficult to transition to school again. It takes a few weeks for most kids to settle and upsetting this can be difficult.
Play and learn

In summer camps, the focus is on fun activities that involve lots of play and learning. I enrolled my daughter for painting and dance, primarily. She was happy to go to playschool as she was doing things she loved. The idea is to keep them busy, avoid boredom and screen time.
Many kids take time to socialize and when you take them to school some of them are reluctant to make friends. However, in a summer camp socializing is easier for a child as the playful environment aids friendship and makes children interact.
Me time
This may sound selfish to many of you but I think it’s not. When your child is at school, you get some much needed me time. I couldn’t keep up with my daughter all day and summer camp is much better option than watching TV or other cartoons on YouTube.
So these were my reasons to send my daughter to a summer camp. Do you have any other reasons t send your kid to a summer camp? Happy Vacations to you!