Here are 5 Resolutions to become a better person this year:
Every year we make a whole set of resolutions and fail miserably because they are impossible and somehow it has become a norm to fail your resolutions. But resolutions can be a great way to change your lifestyle and attain bigger goals both personally and professionally. Here are some resolutions which can help you grow as a person and make you achieve a lot more this year:
Instill Discipline
Yes, the word may sound school-like, but discipline is very important and the foundation to meet all your goals and resolutions lifelong.
Make time for your parents & kids
Honestly being closer to your family should always be your priority especially in these turbulent times. Take them for a picnic, a quick lunch or just have a lazy Sunday every week. The idea is to spend time together without screentime and phones.
Go on a date
Slowly but definitely most marriages fizzle out not due to lack of love but due to lack of communication. It’s ideal you must spend some time with your better half, go on a date, go dancing or just a long drive to talk.
Take care of your mental health
The pandemic and imminent lockdowns have stressed us all out quite often and balancing work-life has become tough for many that is why inner peace and calm play important role in keeping you healthy. Enroll in a meditation workshop or just practice deep breathing.
Follow the 60:40 rule
You might be able to exercise some days or eat healthy most days but remember that you do not have to quit. And if you are able to keep 60 percent of your resolution remember you have won over a multitude of people who quit when there is ONE bad day.
No resolution is iron clad and the only way to succeed with them is to have a realistic approach and break them into weekly goals. Have a sunning year ahead and go live your best life!