With ever increasing human population, the population of stray animals are not far behind and is really giving a tough challenge to the humans. How many times has one ventured out into the streets and not seen at least one stray wandering.
Delhi is over flowing with stray dogs, and the fate of thousands of them is worse than anyone can imagine. A man dying in a car accident makes news but everyday a stray dog dies such a death and still the world goes on without giving a second glance to the poor animal.
Frendicoes SECA (Society for the Eradication of Cruelty to Animals) is a registered non-profit organisation located under the Jungpura Flyover in South Delhi, which works for such stray animals by helping in providing free medical treatment for the animal and running education projects for the owners so that they can look after their animal better. Frendicoes in Delhi began with meagre resources and today has grown into a huge and successful animal shelter with various branches in Delhi and Gurgaon.
Frendicoes not only provides medical facilities to the stray animals that come up to our organization but also tries placing them in foster homes while searching for permanent homes who are willing to adopt the poor things. They run one of the largest sterilization programmes in Delhi and NCR along with organizing various vaccination programmes in Almora, Uttarakhand and Andaman and Nicobar Islands at regular intervals.
Red Paws Rescue is another registered non-profit charity in Delhi, which aims at rescue and rehabilitation of stray and abandoned dogs and has been successful in their mission by placing several stray dogs and cats in various homes across Delhi. This particular organization saw the light of the day due to the love and passion that its founder, Sadhwi Sondhi had for animals who believes that every single effort made by people to help animals takes the cause for the ethical treatment of animals one-step further.
These days, people are generally hesitant in adopting stray dogs when they can easily get a pedigree for a few thousand. What these people fail to understand is that like those pedigree dogs these strays also deserve a good life. Cases where dogs are abandoned by their owners just because they are getting old or are too excitable to kept around anymore shows how selfish man has becomes in the name of progress. What could be a more sad sight than to see such animals that were once in the lap of luxury suddenly thrown on the roads due to their diseases or old age?
Frendicoes and Red Paws Rescue have also recently started a helpline for emergency cases. These organizations try to reach out to varied people through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter urging them to donate volunteer for the cause. They accept any kind of donation in the form of animal food to clothes or money as any gesture counts in the cause of helping these furry little beings.
Strays dogs are slowly gaining acceptability as house pets but there is still a long way to go before they can permanently enjoy the luxury of a home rather than that of the road.