Did your panditji scare your parents about being manglik? And do your parents think you will have to marry someone with Mangal Dosha? Have you been declared a manglik and are curious as to how your life will change? Well many of us had never considered the implication of being a manglik before Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan went about the world curing her manglik dosha!
Everyone was shocked when Aishwarya (reportedly a Manglik), married a peepal tree, before tying the knot with her sweetheart Abhishek. And all this was done to nullify her manglik dosha.
Before you start reading what being a manglik is please understand that there is no research or scientific proof that says that people with one partner Manglik are going to be less happy.
What is ‘Manglik’?
Based on the shastras, many Hindus believe that if you are born under the Manglik star or the Mangal Dosha, you will face problems in your marital life. There will be fights, discords and in worst cases sepration like divorce or death. According to the Veda’s a person is a Manglik if the planet Mars is placed in either 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of their lunar chart in their horoscope. These different houses represent varied aspects of life.
So what exactly does Mangal Dosha do?
Mangal Dosha is associated with the planet Mars. Mars represents self-esteem, temperament, ego and is an aggressive planet. If placed in specific areas of your kundali it could make your temperament aggressive and violent, which can lead to problems in relationships including your marriage.
Those who believe in Mangal Dosha get their horoscope and compatibility matched and a wedding doesn’t take place if the prospective bride or groom has Manglik effect.
Some myths about being a Manglik:
With so much importance being given to whether the prospective bride or groom is Manglik or not, here are a few false beliefs about being manglik:
Born on Tuesday makes you Manglik? No being born on a particular day cannot make you manglik. Many people believe that if you were born on a Mangalvaar (Tuesday), or a day ruled by planet Mars, you are a Manglik but this is not true.
Manglik should marry a Manglik only: There is no science or rational reasoning behind this, only that people think you will have lesser marital problems, but no one can guarantee this for you.
Marry a tree or idol and then your husband: The pundits believe that all manglik problems are related to your first marriage only. When you marry a tree, dog or idol first, your real maariage to your groom is your second marriage!
Your husband can die (or wife): This is another belief that is false, no one can attribute deaths (there is no such evidence) to marrying a manglik.
Your marriage will end in a divorce: The success of your marriage depends on your compatibility and understanding as a couple and being Manglik has nothing to do with it.