At the end of the day nothing can satiate like home-cooked food. Armed with this knowledge the young Pankti Chheda set up Heat 2 Eat which offers ready to eat home cooked food. This Women’s Day we caught up with her.
Do you think that with the on-slaught of consumerism, Women’s Day has lost its sole objective? Elaborate.
In today’s world as much as womanhood is celebrated, women’s day has become just another day of pseudo celebration of feminity. It’s more about deals products and services to be offered on women’s day for women rather than ways to transform their weaknesses into strengths. No doubt these celebrative offers can make one feel special for a short period of time but it is just for the surface and not for the energy that women bring in deep within themselves. I would actually love to see brands doing something to empower women on a day like Women’s day.
Feminism back then meant acting like a male but it is evolving into balancing a woman’s beauty and brains. Do you believe you are a feminist at heart?
More than a feminist I am more of a person who just wants to be treated equally in all walks of life. I would like to be heard and given a chance just like every other individual than be discriminated against on the basis of my gender. If this is what feminism is, then I guess I am a feminist.
Rapes, gender discrimination, dowry deaths, eve teasing etc everywhere women are being subjected to unfair treatment. Have you ever faced unjustified treatment as a woman?
I haven’t faced any unjustified treatment as a woman but hearing about stories of other unfortunate woman does threaten my confidence in this society.
What do you think the biggest feminism issue worldwide?
Female infanticide, especially in third world countries is an issue I personally feel needs to be addressed. Discriminating at the birth of a child based on gender and killing the female infant is extremely brutal. Despite laws, female infanticide continues to create inequality in societies across the world. The broadening gender gap is a startling testament to how deeply female infanticide can affect the social structure of a country especially like India.
One issue you believe must be highlighted this women’s day?
The major issues pertaining to women today is that about women’s safety and security. On a bigger scale, violence has manifested itself in sexual crimes and brutality, in the smaller sense it is limited to incorrigible stares and teasing on the roads. Women have to be provided with a conductive environment to extract maximum value out of their being for any society.
Which is an ideal song for this occasion?
Strength of a Woman- Shaggy
One law India desperately needs to introduce in favor of women?
Making education mandatory in each and every part of the country for each and every girl child. There have been many laws in the past introducing women’s educational rights and empowerment; however there are certain regions in the country which still refrain from abiding with the same.
One message you would like to give for today’s women?
Live your life to the fullest. Do not strangle your dreams, every woman should chase her dreams and seize the opportunity to be able to take a shot at achieving whatever you like in the pursuit of happiness