#ScaryStoriesIn5Words is trending on twitter and Team AAW brings to you the best of the stories in five words which people have shared on twitter
Engineer Kisan @Saheb_Engineer
Honey We need to talk #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
ICGupta @SwachhPolitics
BJP Still afraid of @ArvindKejriwal #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
Himalay! @himalaytweets
#ScaryStoriesIn5Words today is a surprise test
Himalay! @himalaytweets
#ScaryStoriesIn5Words 5 missed calls from mom
myra @myradianarose
your internet bills is here #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
NAWAZ ALAM @nawaz1402
When GF say “Lets go out for shopping” #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
Sahib jaan @raziasultan
You should marry your cousin #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
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