A study claims (the painfully obvious) that sex gives us most happiness and washing clothes or falling sick, the least. “Really? Well what happened to chocolate bringing equal pleasure as sex,” asks Puja Kumra, 27 year old techie.
The study by Carsten Grimm from New Zeland’s University of Canterbury claims to have mapped cellular data to find the same. According to him with depression levels are hitting all-time highs and everyone is interested in ways to measure and track happiness. Sex has always been considered a stress buster and now it’s a happiness giver too.
Drinking alcohol and religion came second and third in imparting happiness. Dr. Naina Jain feels, “Alcohol and religion are happy activities because they involve socialising and often mean happy times.”
Surprisingly, facebooking is in the least happy activities. College going Kavita Khanna agrees, “Facebook is more about tagging all posh places and showing off to friends you haven’t met in ages!”
What are your least and most happy activities? Tell us by commenting below: