During pregnancy, your well-being and that of your beautiful bub is of utmost importance. So there’s no doubt in saying that expecting mothers will want 100 percent clarity on how to fly safely when carrying their precious load. To ensure that you are relaxed when planning your next trip, here are a few top tips from SAMSONITE you should consider:
When is travelling safe?
• As long as you haven’t experienced any complications, the safest time to fly when pregnant is during the second trimester. By this time, first trimester morning sickness is likely to have subsided, energy levels are higher and the risk of going into labour is low
• Commercial planes are fine but flying in smaller, non-pressurised planes is not recommended at any stage of your pregnancy as the lower oxygen levels may impact your baby
• Airlines have some restrictions regarding flying for pregnant women. Majority of airlines won’t allow pregnant women to fly on a flight over four hours after 36 weeks. For flights under four hours, travel is often not permitted after 38 weeks. If you are 28 weeks or more, airlines will often ask you to present a letter from your doctor
Requirements and restrictions can change so it’s always best to check with the airline before planning a holiday or purchasing your ticket. Call your airline carrier for any inquiries.
What to wear?
• Maternity pants are most advisable as it gives you and your baby some room to move. But remember to wear your seat belt low and around the pelvis to reduce pressure on the baby.
• When you’re pregnant your veins and arteries are already under strain and the low cabin pressure won’t help this. It’s important to wear in-flight deep vein thrombosis socks and flexible shoes. Try to regularly stretch your limbs, exercises in your chair and remain well-hydrated.
Which seats to request?
• Pregnant women are infamous bathroom-goers. To make getting up to go to the toilet easier, book an aisle seat
• If possible, request a seat with more leg room — or better still, pay extra and book a premium economy or business class ticket
Read between the lines:
When flying overseas, be sure to check your travel insurance thoroughly, as some companies will only insure a pregnant woman until a certain stage of the pregnancy (most commonly 24 weeks) and others will not cover an overseas birth.
Safety first:
Lastly but most importantly, before flying during any stage of your pregnancy, consult your doctor to discuss any potential risks or concerns you may have.