The liquor ban by SC shall increase issues

While most activists think the recent ban by Supreme Court is great, we women think a bit ahead. Yes I love that glass of scotch as much as men do and the liquor ban on highway is an uneducated step. But will it solve problems like drunk driving, which the SC assumes? Well no, it surely will increase molestation, rapes and other horrendous crimes.

In the urban areas, even suburbs alcohol and bars have a ratio of men and women who love their tipple. But the highway ban is sadly over the entire country. Now imagine a non-descript town which came into being because it was on a highway. It started with a few shops selling liquor, knic-knacs and a car mechanic. Over the years it evolved into a town bustling with business majorly on the highway. The men gather to have their local-made alcohol each evening among truck drivers. Being on the outskirts meant their and other families, a bit far from this space are relatively safer from the drunken melee and fights. Now when the ban came, the liquor shops which have a high disposable income are going to shift towards residential areas. Drunk men shall loiter the streets at all hours making it unsafe. The SC thought of the traveler who can still get drunk, drive and have accidents than women, children who have no way to escape drunk revelers.
Statistically speaking alcohol addiction and domestic violence are common throughout the country and when you take the alcohol nearer to the houses, it will increase. Sadly so shall inebriated, lust-filled actions like teasing and molesting. The SC action will have lots of repercussions but making women unsafe will be the biggest step.