Why holiday mornings are the best ever!

Check out why Holiday mornings are the best

We all wait for Sunday because Sunday is a holiday. From Thursday onwards we start planning for the upcoming weekend because holiday mornings are always soothing and the best mornings for everyone. They are loved for many different reasons but there are some common ones like snoozing to reading!Read on to find out more

You do not have to rush out of bed

On a holiday morning, you do not have to rush to get ready and can spend some lazy time on the bed. Getting up late especially during winters is the best thing.

Enjoy some chai and family bonding session

You can enjoy tea
You can enjoy tea

During the week it is almost impossible to sit with the family for tea and chats. But this day, you can enjoy all the things with your loved ones. Spending time with the family is a great stress buster too.


No quick breakfast

Weekend mornings mean that you don’t have to hurry up for breakfast. You can have your favourite breakfast or even brunch over a cup full of coffee or glass of wine.

No work today

No work
No work

You can do the work at your own convenience without  worrying about the deadline of finishing it .

You can sleep till late
You can sleep till late

You can be lazy

You can get up late and continue all your tasks at your own pace. You can laze around in the room and even enjoy some romantic time with partner in between the work.

Plan it

Whenever a weekend comes, planning of how to make it perfect starts beforehand. All the things like where to go, what to eat, what to do etc is pre-decided and you can enjoy your holiday to the fullest.

Tomorrow is an off

A day before a holiday is full of excitement. You can enjoy late night movies, party or go for long drive as you don’t have to worry about office tomorrow.

If you think we have missed on something then let us know by commenting  below.