Going on vacation or taking a weekend trip is awesome fun. Imagine spending your day at the beach drinking beer, reading a rom com and catching up on sleep; sounds like heaven? Well we all love to travel or vacation but a few things do put us off. Here are a few things that we hate about travelling:
Lack of loo: In India public toilets are far too few and the hygiene levels are horrendous. I often try limiting my water intake to insure I do not have to look around for a loo. Abroad however, it is the lack of water jets that annoys us! While travelling always pack three things loo roll, a seat sanitizer, and a hand sanitizer or soap.
Tourists: Ever seen those bus after bus filled with tourists? In India the scene is particularly bad as the local (inter-state ones) pay a fraction of a cost (to a foreign national) to enter the monument. I have seen many such tourists eat their own picnic food and spoil parks etc.
Touts: The touts can be annoying and often overcharge. I on a trip to Taj Mahal paid 500 INR to one such tout who promised to take me via a shortcut! Often touts abroad will take you to weird museums and try to make you buy things you do not need, all for their commission.
Jet lag: This makes you waste valuable vacation time being befuddled and feel lazy! The best way is to eat light during travel, exercise regularly, and start sleeping early/late a week before you vacation. This helps you body adjust quicker.
Visa: This one can be a real bummer. Many of my friends have been denied visas and the long processing time can make you distraught! Also be careful about the Visa on arrival part, insure your passport has about an year before expiry.
Coming home: Getting back to the drudgery of home-office-home plus unpacking and settling back, kick in the holiday blues. But there is always the next trip to look forward to!