How technology helps in women empowerment
In modern days, men and women are given equal rights in almost every aspect. Be it in the field of education, sports, career, homemaking or anything else women are provided with highly satisfying facilities and a modest environment to enhance their skills and power. Today, the world is digitally upgraded to a level where everything is just a click away. Do you want food? Click! Do you want to travel? Click! Do you want to book a stay? Click! Do you want information about the world? Click! Not only have these, one can even got live updates from every corner of the world with just a click on the right device and networking facilities.
How far has the world come together in gelling up women empowerment and technology?
Well, the modern day women are very much into the IT world. This information technology has evolved drastically over the last few decades and is moving forward with a grasping speed. Technology has made its place in the nerves of youngsters but it’s not limited to them. Nowadays people of all age group are aware of using digital media in every aspect of their lives. So, one does not gets amazed when a 2-year-old child knows how to operate a smart phone, the same way people dos not get astonished when an 80-year-old switches tabs on a smart phone.
How to gain knowledge about technology?
Gaining knowledge in anything in this world happen generally by two methods- one is the theory part of learning and other is the practical version of it. Students and young educated people chiefly get to know about the theory part earlier in their life. Women who are into the field of digital media also gain knowledge through theories first and then gets to practice in the real world of digitization.
For gaining knowledge of the theory part one must go through books and notes. Booksrun.com is an online store which has an expertise in books of all genres. One can get any kind of book she wants as this site has ample of a collection. They also sell used books at a very minimal cost which is more relevant for students these days.
If you are not technologically modified then you loose on many things in bulk–
Basically, women who are in the field of information technology knows how important it is to be upgraded to the latest trends in this sector. The safety issues are so big these days that it has become the need of the hour for every single individual to possess basic knowledge about all kind of stuff online. If you are not aware of the digital benefits then you are surely going to miss out on a chunk of activities that are taking place in the online world.
Being a woman with a vision does not go well with everyone. All individual women do not get the liberty to live their life according to their wish and desires. So facing a challenge every day in forms of small and large obstructions has become a part of them in a way that coming out of these also seems tough to them. Hence, being distally upgraded with the right kind of knowledge in the relevant field must be the issue which is importantly dealt with.
Contributed by: Nidhi Mahajan